Saturday 30 January 2016

Struggling With Impostor Syndrome? 9 Ways to Deal With It (Before It Hinders Your Success)

"I got lucky." "I don't belong here." "I'm a fraud, and it's just a matter of time before everyone finds out." Sound familiar? Most of us have experienced feelings of doubt and unworthiness at some point in our lives. But when your accomplishments are a result of your own knowledge, hard work, and preparation and you still feel inadequate ... you're probably suffering from impostor syndrome. People who suffer from this syndrome often feel like frauds -- despite being smart, skilled, capable professionals who actually deserve whatever commendations and praise they're given. Rather than celebrating their accomplishments, they worry that they've somehow tricked people into thinking they're good enough. As a result, they live in fear of being "found out" or "exposed." Impostor syndrome is actually fairly common: Researchers believe that up to 70% of people have suffered from it at one point or another. But that doesn't make it any less damaging to a person's confidence and career growth.

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